Kung Gudröd II "Crovan" HARALDSSON

Kung Gudröd II "Crovan" HARALDSSON

Man ca 1030 - ca 1095  (~ 65 år)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Kung Gudröd II "Crovan" HARALDSSONKung Gudröd II "Crovan" HARALDSSON föddes ca 1030 i Hebriderna, Skottland; dog ca 1095 i Hebriderna, Skottland.


    Gudröd I (Crovan) HARALDSSON
    Yrke: Kung på Isle of Man och Hebriderna 1079-1095
    Far: Harald (den svarte) GUDRÖDSSON (980 - 1040)
    Mor: NN RAGNFREDSDOTTER (975 - 1030) Född: omkring 1030 Skottland, Hebriderna 1)
    Död: omkring 1095 Skottland, Hebriderna, Islay 2)
    Familj med Ragnhild Maria av NORGE (1047 - 1080)
    Vigsel: omkring 1062 1)
    Barn: Olof I (Bitling) GUDRÖDSSON (1080 - 1153)

    Gudröd gick i den norske kungen Harald 'Hårdrådes' tjänst och deltog i det berömda slaget vid Stamford Bridge den 25 september 1066. Engelsmännen besegrade norrmännen och Gudröd tog sin tillflykttill Isle of Man. Han insåg snart att öns försvar var svagt. Efter en tid for Gudröd till Norge, värvade en styrka på 600 man och bortåt 10 skepp, satte kurs mot öriket och erövrade det 1079. Gudrödvar en stor krigare och utvidgade sitt rike till att omfatta Hebriderna och till en tid även Dublin med omgivande landskap Leinster. (Källa: Jämten 1969, C.R. Carlsson)År 1098 drar Magnus 'Barfot' till Orkneyöarna, som de facto är ett oavhängigt jarladöme nu. Han lyckas infånga två bröder som heter Pål Jarl och Erland Jarl och skickar dem till Norge. I deras ställesätter han ett norskt regeringskollegium med sin åttaårige son Sigurd som toppfigur. På Hebriderna och Man härskar en hövding som heter Gudröd Crovan. Magnus 'Barfot' underlägger sig utan svårighetdennes rike. (Källa: Alf Henriksson)Från 1000-talets mitt känner man till de olika regenterna på Isle of Man genom en krönika kallad Chronicon Regum Manniae. I denna krönika nämns Godfred Crovan kallad 'kung Orry', som den förste blanden rad regenter. På Isle of Man finns en grav strax utanför Laxey, som kallas för 'kung Orres grav'. Själv begrovs kung Orre på ön Islay i Hebriderna. Godfred regerade från år 1079, då han vannslaget vid Skyhill (väster om Ramsey) över sina medtävlare om makten. Han fördrevs dock år 1093 av den norske kungen Magnus 'Barfot'. Efter Godfred var samtliga regenter av nordiskt ursprung och devar alla underställda Norges kung. Men i praktiken var de suveräna. Efter ett sjöslag år 1156 delades Söderöarna i två delar och Hebriderna bildade ett eget rike med Islay som centrum. (Källa:Statens historiska museum, Lars G. Holmblad)Kung Isle of Man och Hebriderna 1079-1095. (Källa: Regentlängd för Isle of Man)Birsay var en gång säte för för Orkneyjarlen. Kyrkan byggdes av jarlen Torfinn den mäktige (död år 1065) efter sin återkomst från en pilgrimsresa till Rom. Han styrde ett rike som omfattade niojarldömen i Skottland, Hebriderna, Isle of Man samt även stora delar av Irland. Efter hans död rasade väldet samman, Isle of Man och Hebriderna blev egna stater.

    (Källa: Nordisk Vikingaguide 1995,Lars G. Holmblad)Källor
    1) Tom Björnstad, Norge (webbplats)
    2) Stewart Baldwin, England (webbplats)

    Familj/Make/Maka: Drottning Ragnhild Maria. Ragnhild föddes ca 1047 i Norge; dog efter 1080 i Isle of Man, England. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 2. Kung Olof "Bitling" GUDRÖDSSON OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1080 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 29 Jun 1153 i Ramsey, Isle of Man, England.

    Familj/Make/Maka: Okänd. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 3. Kung Lagmann GUDRØDSSON  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1075 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1101 i Isle of Man, England.
    2. 4. Kung Harald GUDRØDSSON  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1177; dog 1237.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  Kung Olof "Bitling" GUDRÖDSSON OF ISLE OF MANKung Olof "Bitling" GUDRÖDSSON OF ISLE OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (1.Gudröd1) föddes 1080 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 29 Jun 1153 i Ramsey, Isle of Man, England.

    Olof gift Afreca NIC FERGUS OF GALLOWAY 1127. Afreca (dotter till Fergus OF GALLOWAY och Prinsessa Elisabet FITZROY, PRINCESS OF ENGLAND) föddes 1099 i Galloway, Skottland; dog 1166 i Isle of Man, England. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 5. Godred "the Black" Olofsson OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1127 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 10 Nov 1187 i Isle of Man, England; begravdes Dec 1187 i Iona, Hebriderna, Skottland.

    Olof gift Ingeborg HÅKONSDATTER OF ORKNEY 1115. Ingeborg föddes 1099 i Orkney, Skottland; dog 1126 i Isle of Man, England. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 6. Prinsessa Ragnhild OLAFSDATTER OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1115 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1175 i Argyll, Skottland.

    Familj/Make/Maka: Okänd. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 7. Ingebjörn OF ORKNEY  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1130.

  2. 3.  Kung Lagmann GUDRØDSSON Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (1.Gudröd1) föddes 1075 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1101 i Isle of Man, England.


    King of the Isles until 1098

  3. 4.  Kung Harald GUDRØDSSON Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (1.Gudröd1) föddes 1177; dog 1237.

Generation: 3

  1. 5.  Godred "the Black" Olofsson OF ISLE OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1127 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 10 Nov 1187 i Isle of Man, England; begravdes Dec 1187 i Iona, Hebriderna, Skottland.

    Andra Händelser:

    • Bott i: 1160 - Oslo, Norge 1164 - Isle of Man, England


    In the year 1153 King Olave (Bitling) was slain on the feast of the holy apostles Peter and Paul. In the following autumn Godred, his son, came from Norway with five ships, and put in at the Orkneys. All the chiefs of the Isles were rejoiced when they heard of his arrival, and assembling together, unanimously elected him for their king. Godred then came to Man, seized the three sons of Harold, and, to avenge his father's murder, awarded them the death they deserved. Another story is that he put out the eyes of two of them, and put the third to death. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    Efter ett sjöslag år 1156 delades Söderöarna i två delar och Hebriderna bildade ett eget rike med Islay som centrum. (Nordisk Vikingaguide, sid 189, Lars G. Holmblad)

    In the year 1176, John de Courcy subdued Ulster. In the same year Vivian, Cardinal legate of the apostolic See, came to Man, and in the discharge of his office caused Godred to be united in lawful marriage with his wife, the daughter (Finola) of MacLoughlin, son of Muinrough, King of Ireland, who was mother of Olave then three years old. They were married by Silvanus, Abbot of Rivaulx. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    In the year 1187, on the 10th of November, Godred, King of the Isles, died in the Island of St. Patrick, in Man. In the beginning of the following summer his body was removed to the Island called lona (ett kloster på inre Hebriderna). He left three sons, Reginald, Olave, and Ivar. Reginald, then a full grown young man, was absent in the Isles. Olave, yet a very young boy, resided in Man. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    Godred during his life had appointed Olave to succeed to the kingdom, for the inheritance belonged to him by right, because he was born of lawful wedlock; and had commanded all the people of Man to appoint Olave king after his own death, and preserve inviolate their oath of allegiance. How ever, after the death of Godred, the Manxmen sent their messengers to the Isles for Reginald, and made him king, because he was a man of energy and of riper age. For they dreaded the weakness of Olave, for he was but a boy ten years old, and they considered that a person, who on account of his tender age, knew not how to direct himself, would be wholly incapable of governing his subjects. This was the reason why the people of Man appointed Reginald king. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    Källa: Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, P. A. Munch

    Godred gift Finola MacLochliann OF IRELAND 1176. Finola (dotter till Murcard MacLochlainn OF IRELAND) föddes 1145 i Ulster, Irland; dog 1190 i Isle of Man, England. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 8. Olof "the Black" Gudrödsson OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1173 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 21 Maj 1237 i Isle of Man, England.
    2. 9. Ivar OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1175; dog 1257.
    3. 10. Afreca OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1176; dog 1219.

  2. 6.  Prinsessa Ragnhild OLAFSDATTER OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1115 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1175 i Argyll, Skottland.


    Grevinna i Argyll, Skottland och Isle of Man, England

    Ragnhild gift Somerled OF ARGYLL 1140. Somerled (son till Gilbert OF COLONSAY) föddes 1100 i Argyll, Skottland; dog 1164 i Renfrew. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 11. Donald OF ARGYLL  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1140; dog 1200.
    2. 12. Kenneth (Ruaídrí) OF ARGYLL  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1145; dog 1221.
    3. 13. Angus OF KINTYRE  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1150; dog 1210.
    4. 14. Olav OF ARGYLL  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1151; dog 1184.
    5. 15. Ragnvald the Usurper OF ARGYLL  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1163; dog 1228.

  3. 7.  Ingebjörn OF ORKNEY Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1130.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.  Olof "the Black" Gudrödsson OF ISLE OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (5.Godred3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1173 i Isle of Man, England; dog den 21 Maj 1237 i Isle of Man, England.


    Godred during his life had appointed Olave to succeed to the kingdom, for the inheritance belonged to him by right, because he was born of lawful wedlock; and had commanded all the people of Man to appoint Olave king after his own death, and preserve inviolate their oath of allegiance. How ever, after the death of Godred, the Manxmen sent their messengers to the Isles for Reginald, and made him king, because he was a man of energy and of riper age. For they dreaded the weakness of Olave, for he was but a boy ten years old, and they considered that a person, who on account of his tender age, knew not how to direct himself, would be wholly incapable of governing his subjects. This was the reason why the people of Man appointed Reginald king. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    Know you not that you lived long with the cousin of her whom you now have as your wife ? Olave did not deny the truth of what had been said, and acknowledged that he had long kept her cousin as a concubine. A synod therefore was assembled, and in it bishop Reginald canonically separated Olave the son of Godred and Lauon his wife. Afterwards, Olave married Christina, daughter of Fenquhard, Earl of Ross. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    In the year 1187, on the 10th of November, Godred, King of the Isles, died in the Island of St. Patrick, in Man. In the beginning of the following summer his body was removed to the Island called lona (ett kloster på inre Hebriderna). He left three sons, Reginald, Olave, and Ivar. Reginald, then a full grown young man, was absent in the Isles. Olave, yet a very young boy, resided in Man. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys)

    Olof var även gift med Christina, dr till Ferguard, jarl av Ross, Skottland, hon var hans tredje hustru. Young menar att äktenskapet med Cristina av Ross stod 1223 eller kort tidigare. (Fra Skanke-slektens historie, G.V.C. Young, 1986)

    Olaf (Svarte) and Godred (son of Reginald) arrived 1230 together in the Norwegian fleet, and immediately divided the kingdom between them-selves. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, notes 37)

    Olof II Gudrödsson anses vara den förste kände, som förde det egendomliga och sällsynta vapnet med sina tre springande ben. Vapnet finns avbildat på Isle of Mans statssvärd, som traditionellt tillskrives Olof. Detta fordrar en datering till omkring 1230. Experter från Brittish Museum har daterat svärdet till omkring 1250. (Jämten 1969, C. R. Carlsson)

    Olaf II of the Isle of Man, also known as Olaf the Black, was King of the Isle of Man from 1229-1237. Olaf was the son of Godred V and Findguala from Ireland, and the half-brother of his predecessor, Ragnald. His younger brother Ragnald IV usurped his succession to the throne and it was only after years of campaigning against his brother's rule that Olaf killed him and took the throne in the year 1229. On the other hand, sources maintain that Findguala was his father's third and last wife, which would presumably make Olav as the younger brother. He however was the intended successor by his father. Olaf was driven out of Man by Alan, Lord of Galloway and forced to flee to Norway for assistance. In early 1230 Olaf and his nephew, Godred Donn, sailed from Norway in a fleet commanded by Gilla Esbuig mac Dubgaill. The fleet of 12 ships was strengthened by 20 more as the fleet stopped at Orkney on its way to the west coast of Scotland. According to saga accounts the fleet had grown to about 80 ships and over 3000 men by the time it entered the Firth of Clyde in around June. The force invaded the Isle of Bute and captured Rothesay Castle which was held by the powerful Stewart dynasty. The sagas tell of how the Norwegian force hewed the wall with their axes, because it was soft. Gilla Esbuig, who was severly wounded in the siege of Rothesay Castle, soon died and was buried in Iona. It was after the death of Gilla Esbuig mac Dubgaill that Olaf took command of the fleet and by Autumn had took control of Man with ease. Olaf died in the year 1237 at Peel Castle. He was succeeded by his son, who became Harald I of the Isle of Man. Later, Olaf's younger son became king Magnus II. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    Reginald (IV) gave his brother Olave (II, the Black) a certain island called Lewis, which is said to be more extensive than the other islands, but thinly peopled, because it is mountainous and rocky, and almost totally unfit for cultivation. The inhabitants live mostly by hunting and fishing. Olave took possession of this island and dwelt there; living, how ever, very scantily. Finding that the island could not support himself and his followers, he went frankly to his brother Reginald, who was then residing in the Isles, and spoke to him as follows: You know, my brother and king, that the kingdom of the Isles was mine by hereditary right, but as the Lord chose you for its governor, I do not grudge it you, nor am I discontented because you have been raised to the supreme dignity of king. I now therefore beg that you will allot me hand somewhere in the Isles sufficient for my own decent maintenance and that of my followers, for the island of Lewis which you gave me is unequal to my support. When Reginald had heard this, he promised to take advice on the subject, and return an answer to the petition next day. When next day had dawned, and Olave had conic by summons, to speak with the king, Reginald ordered him to be seized, bound, and carried in chains to William, King of Scotland, to be kept prisoner by that Sovereign. This order was executed, and Olave remained prisoner with the King of Scotland nearly seven years. In the seventh year, William, king of Scotland, died, and was succeeded by his son Alexander. Before his death, however, William gave directions for the liberation of all who were confined in his prisons. Olave then, having his chains removed, and being restored to liberty, went to Man to his brother Reginald, and shortly afterwards set out with a considerable attendance of men of rank for the shrine of St. James. Returning from the pilgrimage, he again visited his brother Reginald, by whom he was received in a friendly manner. At that time Reginald caused his brother Olave to marry Lanon' the daughter of a certain man of rank of Kintyre, sister to his own wife, and gave him the afore said island of Lewis, whether Olave, taking leave of his brother, went with his wife, amid dwelt there. (Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys).

    - Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys, P. A. Munch
    - Fra Skanke-slektens historie, G.V.C. Young

    Olof gift Lawon OF KINTYRE 1215, och skildes 1220. Lawon (dotter till Kenneth (Ruaídrí) OF KINTYRE, dotter till Kenneth (Ruaídrí) OF ARGYLL) föddes 1175 i Kintyre, Skottland; dog 1240 i Kintyre, Skottland. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 16. Ragnvald OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1165 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1229 i Isle of Man, England.
    2. 17. Magnus OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1200; dog 1265.
    3. 18. Godred OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1220; dog 1237.

    Olof gift Christina ROSS 1233. Christina (dotter till Ferquard OF ROSS) föddes 1200 i Ross, Skottland; dog 1250 i Isle of Man, England. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 19. Harold OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1223; dog 1248 i I.
    2. 20. Magnhild OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1230 i Isle of Man, England; dog 1295 i Trondhjem, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge.
    3. 21. Afreca OF ISLE OF MAN  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1230; dog 1310.

  2. 9.  Ivar OF ISLE OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (5.Godred3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1175; dog 1257.


    riddare och kung på Isle of Man, England 1250-1256.

  3. 10.  Afreca OF ISLE OF MAN Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (5.Godred3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1176; dog 1219.


    Grevinna (countess), gift med Lord John de Courcy i Ulster, Irland.

  4. 11.  Donald OF ARGYLL Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (6.Ragnhild3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1140; dog 1200.


    Makthavare på Hebriderna och Argyll, Skottland.

  5. 12.  Kenneth (Ruaídrí) OF ARGYLL Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (6.Ragnhild3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1145; dog 1221.

    Familj/Make/Maka: Okänd. [Familjeöversikt] [Familjediagram]

    1. 22. NN OF KINTYRE  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1170 i Kintyre, Skottland; dog 1230 i Isle of Man, England.
    2. 23. Lawon OF KINTYRE  Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt föddes 1175 i Kintyre, Skottland; dog 1240 i Kintyre, Skottland.

  6. 13.  Angus OF KINTYRE Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (6.Ragnhild3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1150; dog 1210.


    Makthavare i Argyll, Skottland.

  7. 14.  Olav OF ARGYLL Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (6.Ragnhild3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1151; dog 1184.


    Makthavare i Argyll, Skottland.

  8. 15.  Ragnvald the Usurper OF ARGYLL Grafiskt ättlingaverk till denna punkt (6.Ragnhild3, 2.Olof2, 1.Gudröd1) föddes 1163; dog 1228.


    Kung på the Isles 1164-1210 och Isle of Man, England.